Your wellness clients might. Tell them about the "big 3."
As a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA) integrating wellness services into your practice offerings, you've probably gotten questions from clients about "magical" solutions to their wellness issues. They'll ask you about such things as the latest and greatest vitamin supplements, eating regimens, and exercise/fitness equipment. Take the bait! But use it as an opportunity to educate them about wellness priorities.
Don't misunderstand me. There's nothing wrong with any of this "magic"—other than the fact that none of it is magical in and of itself. There is value to working closely with a nutritional expert to fill in dietary gaps. It's wise to fine-tune food choices to match one's lifestyle and goals. And, as PTs and PTAs, we know how to use exercise devices appropriately and effectively. The problem is, people tend to front-load these "solutions" at the expense of core efforts toward wellness.