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Each year, APTA's Nominating Committee seeks recommendations from members and develops the slate of candidates for APTA national office, which includes positions on the APTA Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee. Members of the Board (except for the public member), and the Nominating Committee are elected annually in the fall by voting delegates of the House of Delegates. The public member is appointed by the APTA Board of Directors.

Please refer to the information below for more detail about APTA's nominations and elections processes including dates specific to the next cycle. Questions about APTA's elections processes may be directed to Members interested in a future national office position should contact the Nominating Committee.

Jump to: Nominations and Elections Process | Roles and Responsibilities for APTA Elected OfficeAPTA Nominating Committee Roster | Additional Resources | Recommend a Member for National Office

APTA Elections Infographic

Download the APTA Elections Infographic (PDF)

General Information

Core Attributes
Members interested in a national elected office position are encouraged to review the Core Attributes for Elected Leadership, which identify leadership characteristics pivotal to moving APTA forward to meet the challenges of the future and commitment to our mission. Nominating Committee decision making regarding the slate of candidates is guided by these core attributes and members interested in elected office should reflect on how they have applied these attributes throughout their leadership journey.

Eligibility Requirements
All physical therapist members in good standing are eligible to serve on the APTA Board of Directors and APTA Nominating Committee. Good standing is defined in the APTA bylaws as complying with the Binding Ethical Documents of the association applicable to the individual's membership category; making timely payments of association and chapter dues; and not being under current suspension or revocation of their license.

Elections Cycles

2025, 2028, 2031 2026, 2029, 2032 2027, 2030, 2033

Vice Speaker
Director (3)
Nominating Committee (2)

Speaker of the House
Director (3)
Nominating Committee (2)

Vice President
Director (3)
Nominating Committee (1)

Please refer to the Elections Cycle Calendar for dates specific to the next cycle.

Nominations and Elections Process

Access the Recommendation for National Office Form

APTA members may recommend themselves and other APTA members for national office by submitting a Recommendation for National Office Form which is open two months typically at the start of the year. Those who consent to be considered as an applicant for the slate will submit a CV and responses to several questions developed by the Nominating Committee. Responses to these questions and information contained within CVs help the committee members understand applicants' backgrounds and experiences before determining the slate of candidates for national office.  

Once the Nominating Committee has developed the slate of candidates for national office, the slate is distributed to APTA members marking the start of a 45-day period during which time chapters, sections/academies, and the PTA Council may petition to add a candidate to the slate. During the meeting of the House when elections are held, delegates can also nominate candidates from the floor of the House. The petition and nominations from the floor processes are described in the APTA Bylaws. More details on these processes may be obtained by contacting

Prior to elections, candidates slated for national office share information that inform delegates and members about their expertise and background via resources posted to the APTA Candidate Webpage that include candidate statements, CVs, and recorded interviews.

Roles and Responsibilities for APTA Elected Office

Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities
The APTA Board of Directors is APTA's governing authority, with the corporate duties of care, loyalty, and obedience. The Board is the fiduciary for the association and manages the association's affairs pursuant to law and APTA bylaws. The Board carries out all association policies, positions, and binding ethical documents, and considers motions adopted by the House that recommend or instruct the Board to act.

The 16-member Board includes six officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Speaker of the House of Delegates, and Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates) and nine director positions, which are held by APTA physical therapist members and are elected by the House of Delegates. The Board also includes one public member position, which is held by a non-APTA member who is not a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant and is appointed by the Board.

APTA Board of Directors Roster

APTA Nominating Committee Roles and Responsibilities
The Nominating Committee consisting of five physical therapist members, prepares the annual slate of candidates for APTA national office positions, and fosters activities that maintain and promote a pool of qualified nominees. In doing so, the committee works to slate at least two qualified candidates, if possible, for each position from those consenting to serve if elected for officers, directors, and members of the Nominating Committee to meet the responsibilities of their positions. The slate of candidates is made available to APTA members no later than three months before the election. Should the initial election result in open vacancies for the Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee shares the subsequent slate as soon as possible following the first election.

APTA Nominating Committee Roster


Jennifer Marie Ryan, PT, DPT, MS
Board-Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist
Term Expires: 2025

Monique Caruth, PT, DPT
Term Expires: 2027

Ken Harwood, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Term Expires: 2026

Tracy Porter, PT, DPT, EdD
Term Expires: 2025

LaDarius (L.D.) Woods, PT, DPT, PhD
Term Expires: 2026

Additional Resources: