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Occupational Medicine Providers Telehealth Coverage

Jun 4, 2020/Summary

Summary of the status of occupational health providers that are covering some form of telehealth or e-visits, based on information they have released.

Skilled Maintenance Therapy Under Medicare

Medicare does indeed cover services to maintain or manage a beneficiary's current condition when no functional improvement is possible if the services are medically necessary and meet the skilled care requirements.

Medicare Payment Thresholds for Outpatient Therapy Services

The former Medicare therapy caps are now annual thresholds that PTs are permitted to exceed for medically necessary services.

Expanding Your Limits: Becoming a Leader in Our Profession

Dec 17, 2018/Podcast

Michael Gans talks about how leadership can expand your horizons personally and professionally.

The X-Ray Showed a Bird

Dec 5, 2018/Podcast

Kaylee Van Deusen, SPT, talks about visual thinking strategies.

All Things Traveling PTs With WanderlustsPTs Cofounders – # XChangeSA

Nov 29, 2018/Podcast

We chat with the cofounders of WanderlustPTs to talk about being a traveling PT and PTA.

CDC: Rates of Cardiac Rehab Use Among Heart Attack Survivors 'Suboptimal'

Aug 27, 2017/Review

Only about one in three heart attack survivors in the US receive CR.

Opioid Crisis in the News: More than 1 in 3 Americans Prescribed Opioids in 2015

Aug 3, 2017/Roundup

As the statistics pile up, the conclusions become unavoidable: the country's opioid crisis is deeply rooted, and its effects are wide-ranging. Here are some of the latest reports on the magnitude of the problem. Reuters: More Than a Third of US Adults Prescribed Opioids in 2015 "People who were between

Ready for Falls Prevention Awareness Day?

Sep 11, 2017/News

Here's a quick take on just some of the falls-related resources available from APTA.

From PT in Motion magazine: PTs and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Sep 5, 2017/News

PTs can play a significant role in helping those who experience chronic fatigue syndrome.