Every year, APTA facilitates media requests from a variety of top-tier consumer and health policy-focused media outlets. To help ensure that the association has the capacity and expertise to educate the public about the profession and the work PTs and PTAs do to improve the health of society, members of the APTA Media Corps serve as volunteer spokespeople, complemented by APTA staff and APTA Board of Directors.
Members of the APTA Media Corps are from around the country and practice in a variety of settings, with knowledge and experience in numerous practice areas. They receive coaching in media relations and interviewing skills to best represent the association and physical therapy profession.
On Jan. 1, APTA welcomes nine new members:
- Robyn Culbertson, PT, DPT.
- David Herzberg, PT, DPT.
- Alexandra Hill, PT, DPT.
- Heather Jeffcoat, PT, DPT.
- Lauren Johnson, PT, DPT.
- Leada Malek, PT, DPT.
- Dave Pavao, PT, DPT.
- Dhara Shah, PT, DPT.
- Jenny Sharp, PT, DPT.
The association is very thankful to eight APTA Media Corps members whose six-year terms end in 2024:
- Sherri Betz, PT, DPT.
- Nancy Durban, PT, DPT, MS.
- Ben Fung, PT, DPT, MBA.
- Greg Hartley, PT, DPT, FAPTA.
- Maura Daly Iversen, PT, DPT, SD, MPH, FAPTA.
- Colleen Louw, PT, Med.
- Carrie Pagliano, PT, DPT.
- Jessica Schwartz, PT, DPT.
Together these eight spokespeople completed nearly 200 interviews on behalf of APTA.
See the full 2024 roster of APTA Media Corps members.
APTA is grateful for the time and expertise of this group. To learn more about the APTA Media Corps and the importance of consumer awareness for the profession, read APTA Magazine’s July 2023 cover story.