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View program enrollment requirements including prerequisites, enrollment schedule, post-enrollment program requirements, and more below.
Program Enrollment Requirements
Prior to enrollment, you must complete the following courses in the APTA Learning Center:
- Information on APTA's Revised Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist and Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant
- Leading the Team: A Practical Guide to Working with PTAs
- Professionalism Module 1: Introduction to Professionalism
Supervising Physical Therapist Selection
The supervising physical therapist must be an individual who agrees to assist the applicant through the PTA Advanced Proficiency Pathways program. They may be asked to provide clinical mentoring, selected clinical experiences, relief time for clinical mentoring, and professional and/or personal support to the applicant, all as permitted by facility and regulatory guidelines. They also agree to demonstrate professional behaviors and provide opportunities as they arise for the applicant to develop skills in advocacy, leadership, and mentoring. They agree to promote enhanced PT-PTA collaboration, including communication and documentation. They also are asked to sign off on the applicant's submitted total work hours in the content area of the Advanced Proficiency Pathway at the conclusion of the program.
Mentor Selection
Participants are responsible for recruiting their clinical mentor, who provides instruction and feedback until the PTA is able to perform interventions or behaviors independently, as indicated in provided assessment tool post-enrollment.
The clinical mentor is a PT who has demonstrated competency in the content area and has accepted responsibility for teaching and guiding the PTA through the clinical education component of the curriculum.
The clinical mentor and supervising physical therapist can be the same person, providing that the supervising physical therapist has the required skills to serve as a clinical mentor.
Enrollment Schedule
Enrollment applications are accepted on a rolling basis and subject to the following submission and review schedule.
Enrollment Submission Deadlines:
- August 31: Enrollment reviews conducted September 1-15.
- November 30: Enrollment reviews conducted December 1-15.
- February 28: Enrollment reviews conducted March 1-15.
- May 31: Enrollment reviews conducted June 1-15.
Steps to your online enrollment will include:
- Submission and verification of your current contact information and PTA licensure.
- Name and contact information of a self-designated supervising physical therapist (see supervising physical therapist selection below), who will receive an email request to complete a recommendation and partnering agreement.
- Name and contact information of a self-designated clinical mentor (see mentor selection guidelines listed below), who will receive an email request to complete a recommendation and partnering agreement.
- Completion of the three prerequisite courses listed above, which the online enrollment system will automatically verify.
- Submission of a $150 enrollment application fee. (Please note that an additional $150 portfolio review fee is due upon completion of program requirements and submission of final program portfolio.)
Enrollment applications will not be processed until all information has been submitted. Allow four to six weeks for review of enrollment applications.
Post-Enrollment Program Requirements
Once enrolled in the program, candidates have up to five years to complete the following program requirements using the online submission portal:
- Submission of evidence of completion of 60 contact hours of continuing education coursework (online or in person) within the designated specialty pathway. Course details and proof of completion required. Candidates may submit courses completed up to five years prior to or after enrollment.
- Completion of mentored clinical experiences (see mentor requirements above) with knowledge and skills assessments, conducted with previously designated clinical mentor. Final completed assessment document uploaded by clinical mentor.
- Documentation of 2,000 clinical hours of work experience in the selected content area. Following submission, verification request emailed to designated supervising physical therapist. Candidates may submit hours completed up to five years prior to or after enrollment.
Questions about APTA's PTA Advanced Proficiency Pathways program? Please email APTA PTA APP.

"Knowledge is the most important priority. We must keep current with evidence-based research, otherwise we can fall into a rut, doing the same thing all the time — not learning — and getting burned out."
Debra Lynn Ludwiczak-Henry, Geriatrics

"I get excited when I see PTAs pursue a program like this, when they gain confidence and refresh their knowledge. When they're more confident, they ask more questions, such as about differential diagnoses."
Anne Gerard, Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist

"It was challenging, yes, but it's something that doesn't 'expire' for 10 years. This field changes so often that it's good to stay abreast of advancements. Being in this program helps with that."
Ruth Kizer, Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, Orthopedics, and Wound Management

"Obtaining the PTA APP was a way for my clientele to see that this is what I do and how I spend my time."
Amanda Hite, Neurology